John Deere 9530T

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The John Deere 9530T tractor is the second heaviest tractor currently available from JD. It weighs in at an astonishing 19,504 kg (43,000 lbs) when it’s unballasted and does not have the 3 point hitch or PTO attached. Don’t forget that the fuel tank on this model can hold 1207 liters (319 US gallons) of diesel, which means that it’s weight can increase quite a lot from 19,504 kg especially if you are pulling a heavy load and the tractor needs to ballasted. Besides it’s weight, the other striking feature of the JD 9530T is the fact that is doesn’t have wheels. Instead it uses tracks.

Using the John Deere 9530T which has tracks instead of it’s twin brother the John Deere 9530 which does not have tracks (it has wheels) has both advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of using tracks is the fact that it doesn’t dig in as deep into the ground as tires would. Other advantages include the fact that it offers a smooth ride, and has better traction over a larger range of different surfaces. It also has better stability on hillsides. However tracks also have a few disadvantages too: steering it when pulling a large load is much more difficult. There is also a strong possibility of problems with the PTO and drawbar when you make very sharp turns on the JD 9530T.

So it’s incredibly important to look at both the positives and negatives before you run out and purchase a John Deere 9530T so that you buy the machine that is right for your pulling needs. The wheelbase on the JD 9530T measures 2.94 m (116 inches). If you are looking for a similar but more powerful pulling tractor with tracks instead of wheels, then you should take a look at the John Deere 9630T.

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