John Deere WH36A

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The John Deere WH36A gets all of it’s power from a Kawasaki FS481V gasoline engine. The 2 cylinder engine has an engine size of 0.603 liters and operates at 3600 RPM. The air intake into the engine is passed through a dual element air filter before mixing with the fuel and entering the combustion chamber. The fuel tank that comes with the JD WH36A has a capacity to hold up to 21.9 liters (5.8 US gallons) of gasoline in it’s fuel tank. The engine passes power to the wheels through a hydrostatic gearbox, which gives the operator infinite speeds both in forwards and reverse. The top speed of the JD WH36A is very high for a walk behind mower, clocking in at 11.3 kph (7 mph).

The John Deere WH36A is nowhere near as big as either the John Deere WG48A or the John Deere 7H17 self propelled lawnmowers, but it’s still very big when you compare it to your average 21 inch push lawn mower. The cutting width of this mower is 36 inches, although it’s total width is a lot higher when you factor in things like it’s discharge flap which protrudes from the side. The mower deck has 2 belt driven blades and floats which means that it follows the contours of the ground it’s traveling over, which gives a much more even cut.

Not many individuals own a John Deere WH36A as it’s mostly used by professional landscapers and grass cutting companies, but if you do, then please feel free to leave a review of it below. Make sure to include as much relevant information as possible to gives others an idea as to what it’s like to own and operate one.

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One Review of the “John Deere WH36A”

  1. Robert Topalian says:

    Whoever designed this dual hydrostatic motor steering on the WH36A should have been forced to mow with it for a week commercially. Right hand makes machine go left and left hand control makes machine go right ??? That in itself is mind boggling. Throw in two competing left/right hydraulic/hydrostatic drive motors with oddly placed ergonomically curved handles, this is a machine that requires immense concentration to make it go in a straight line at speed but requires no concentration at all to have it go incredibly crooked in a heartbeat with inevitable overcorrection leaving a zig zag pattern on any lawn under the control of all but the most adept forklift operator.

    Year of Manufacture: 2014
    Pros: Turns tightly, plenty of power with traction to

    match and with 36” width mows accurately between landscape features.

    Cons: VERY VERY hard to keep moving forward in a straight line. Pitches and weaves. Takes huge concentration and a very light touch to make a straight pass in my experience. Turn right by squeezing left lever and left by squeezing right lever ??? If you’re going fast and it deviates it’s almost impossible to not overcorrect. I like the machine, bought it used but in excellent condition, but I’m still trying to master it.

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