John Deere LX288

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The John Deere LX288 is the second most powerful lawnmower in the John Deere ‘LX’ series. It is powered by a Kawasaki V twin cylinder engine that pumps out 18 horsepower. This natural aspiration engine is liquid cooled (the cooling system needs to be filled with 2.6 liters of coolant to fully fill the system). The lubrication system needs to be filled with 1.7 liters of engine oil to full fill it from empty. Using a Tuff Torq transmission system, driving the JD LX288 is very easy because there are no gears, only Twin Touch pedals for changing speed and switching between forwards and reverse.

Many people are particularly fond of the John Deere LX288 due to the fact that it does far more than just mow your lawn. You can attach a front blade to clear debris or you can use it to clear snow. However attaching a John Deere snowblower to the front is you best option for clearing snow. You can also attach a front thatcher to clear your lawn of moss to encourage grass growth.  There are also a huge number of tow behind tools, such as utility carts, scrapers and harrows that you can quickly and easily attach to the back of the machine.

There are a number of different sized mower decks that can be attached to the John Deere LX288 lawnmower. These are a 38 inch, 42 inch, 48 inch and 54 inch mower decks. However you should realize that the bigger the mowing deck you attach to your John Deere lawnmower, the more power it will need to function optimally. Therefore, if the grass is particularly long or wet, you may find that the larger mower decks don’t work as effectively when compared to the smaller ones.

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