John Deere 1350

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The John Deere 1350 tractor is the smallest machine in the JD 1050 series that also includes the John Deere 1550 and the John Deere 1750 tractors. The JD 1350 is a compact utility tractor that is built on top of a 4×2 2WD chassis. The tractor has a built in roll bar (ROPS) but unfortunately it does not have a cab as standard to protect the driver from the elements. This hasn’t stopped farmers from building their own cabs for it though. In total this tractor was built for 9 years from 1986 up until 1994.

As the John Deere 1350 is a compact utility tractor it’s not particularly heavy. It’s total weight comes to 2431 kg (5360 lbs), but once fueled and ballasted it can weigh considerably more. The wheels supporting the tractor are not massive either. The front wheels which are responsible for steering it each measure 6.5-16 (6.5 inch width, 16 inch rim diameter), while the rear wheels, which transfer the power to the ground each measure 12.4-24 (12.4 inch width, 24 inch rim diameter). All construction of the JD 1350 tractor took place in John Deere’s plant which is located in Mannheim in Germany.

The engine powering the John Deere 1350 is designed by JD themselves. The engine is a naturally aspirated diesel that has 3 cylinders. The engine is liquid cooled and is rated at 2300 RPMs. The engine has a total displacement of 2.9 liters and it’s total power output comes to 37.5 hp. You can leave your thoughts on the JD 1350 below by filling out the form and leaving a review. Make sure to keep your review as balanced as possible by making sure to include both the good and the bad things that you found when using this machine. Try to be as detailed as possible by including any modifications that you have made to it as well as any attachments that you use with it.

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