Fordson Major

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When people talk about a Fordson Major tractor, they aren’t talking about a specific tractor. Instead they are talking about a group of 4 tractors in the Fordson family. There are the:

Fordson ‘E27N Major’ Tractor. The E27N was originally called the Fordson ‘Major’ until the Fordson began to produce the ‘E1A New Major’ after which the Fordson ‘Major’ became known as the Fordson ‘E27N Major’. This may be a little confusing to some, but it is certainly worth bearing in mind if you are interested in the history of these tractors. It’s also interesting to note that the E27N is actually just an ungraded Fordson N. The E27N Major was produced between 1945 and 1952. It was powered by either a 4 cylinder kersone engine, producing 27 hp or a more powerful 6 cylinder diesel engine producing 48hp.

Fordson ‘New Major’. The factory name for this model is actually the Fordson E1A New Major, but is commonly known as just ‘New Major’. Once the E27N was finished up being produced by Fordson, the ‘New Major took over the mantle and was produced from 1952 to 1958.

Fordson ‘Power Major’. The Fordson Power Major took the reins from the ‘New Major’ and was built and produced by Ford(son) from 1958 to 1961. It had a power output of 47 hp from either a 4 cylinder, 3.3 liter gasoline engine or a 4 cylinder 3.6 liter diesel engine.

Fordson ‘Super Major’ (which was called the Ford 5000 in the USA) boasted a lot more power than it’s predecessors with a 4 cylinder, 3.6 liter diesel engine producing 69hp of power. Or it came with a 3.3 liter 4 cylinder gasoline engine. It was the final version of the Fordson Major series and was produced 1961 to 1964.

All in all the Fordson Major Tractors were very popular in their time as farm tractors. However they have obviously been replaced by newer, stronger and more reliable tractors. Fortunately, today is is a large community of collectors and Fordson enthusiasts that buy, maintain and refurbish Fordson Majors.

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