Yard-Man 26 Inch Snow Blower

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The Yard-Man 26 Inch Snow Blower is a dual stage machine that’s not quite as big as the Yard-Man 28 Inch Snow Blower and the Yard-Man 30 Inch Snow Blower but is much bigger than the Yard-Man 24 Inch Snow Blower and the Yard-Man 21 Inch Snow Blower models. While obviously this machine has a clearing width of 0.66 m (26 inches), it has an intake height of 0.53 m (21 inches), although with the addition of drift cutting knives, the maximum depth of snow that it can operate efficiently in is far greater than this.

The snow first enters the housing of the Yard-Man 26 inch dual stage snow blower where the serrated steel auger is located. This very quickly breaks up the snow and ice while also moving it towards the center of the machine where the impeller is located. The impeller has a diameter of 0.3 m (12 inches) and consists of steel blades that further break up the snow while also sending it flying out of the machine via the chute. The plastic polymer chute also has a deflector at the top to give the operator even more control over where exactly he is sending the expelled snow.

The chute on the Yard-Man 26″ dual stage snow thrower is controlled from the operators station via a 4 way joystick that enables you to rotate the chute up to 200 degrees. The 4 stroke, Yard-Man made engine has a displacement of 0.31 liters and contributes to the total weight of 93 kg (205 lbs). The engine is started either by plugging it in to the mains electricity or by using the pull cord, recoil system.  Sitting atop the housing of this 26″ snowblower is a halogen headlight that enables smooth operation even during the dark.

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