Snow Joe SJ909 Snow Blower

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The Snow Joe SJ909 Snow Blower is a large dual stage machine capable of clearing very large areas of snow very quickly. It can clear up to 907.2 kg (2000 lbs) of snow per minute. This is thanks to it’s 0.35 liter Snow Joe ‘Power’ engine. This is a 4 stroke OHV engine with compression release which makes it much easy to start even when it’s well below freezing. If you are looking for smaller snow blowers from Snow Joe, you may consider the Snow Joe SJ803 Snow Blower or the Snow Joe SJ906 Snow Blower, or even the Snow Joe SJ905 Snow Blower, all of which are considerably smaller that this 33 inch dual stage snow thrower.

The Snow Joe SJ909 snowblower uses both it’s auger and it’s impeller to pulverize the snow. The auger first meets the snow and cuts it up while simultaneously forcing it towards the middle of the SJ909’s housing. Here the impeller then breaks it up further while also shooting it out through the chute. The auger is made from from steel that has been serrated. It’s got a diameter of 0.28 m (11 inches). Meanwhile the impeller consists of 3 steel blades and has a diameter of 0.3 m (12 inches). This provides enough force to throw the snow up to 9.14 m (30 feet). The chute can rotate up to 180 degrees. The chute is controlled via a joystick from the operator station.

The Snow Joe SJ909 2 stage snow thrower comes with 2 year warranty for all users purchasing it as well as a 30 day money back guarantee for those who are not satisfied with it. The wheels have a directional snow thread to help prevent it from slipping during operation. Also include on this model is a halogen headlight to make operation in dim light and darkness possible.

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