McCulloch M22042H

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The McCulloch M22042H garden tractor lawn mower is the most powerful mower available from McCulloch. The engine powering it is a 2 cylinder, gasoline powered Briggs and Stratton. This engine has a power output of 22hp. The engine is air cooled and is a 2 cylinder. The air intake into the engine is first passed through a dry type air filter which purifies it of dust and other particulate matter before it enters into the combustion chamber. Similar sized, but less powerful machines than this one from McCulloch include the McCulloch M19542H, the McCulloch M200107HRB and the McCulloch M200117H garden tractors.

Power from the engine is transferred to the mower deck on the McCulloch M22042H through a belt drive system. The deck on the M22042 H is 1.07 (42 inches) wide. This is hopefully obvious from the name. The standard way for dealing with the grass clippings is to just discharge them out the side of the mower deck onto the grass. However this can often look very unsightly. This is exactly why many people purchasing this 22 hp, 42″ lawn mower often buy the mulching plate or a rear bagger to collect the clippings so that their lawn looks much neater.

The McCulloch M22042H can also accommodate a good few implements. A front blade can be attached so that you can use it to clear snow in the winter as well as other debris. A dethatcher can also be attached to it to clear lawns of moss. There are also a range of utility carts that can be attached to the back of this lawn tractor to further increase it’s functionality. Using the M220 42H at night is possible thanks to the front headlights that come as standard with the lawnmower. Don’t forget to leave a review below to let others know more about this lawnmower.

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