Husqvarna GTH2350

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The Husqvarna GTH2350 garden tractor lawn mower is a slightly more powerful model than the Husqvarna GTH2250 lawn tractor. It’s also similar to the Husqvarna GT2254, but it’s mower deck is not quite as big. While some people refer to this lawnmower as the GTH 2350, others know it as the Husqvarna GTH2350 Crown. Both are correct. The mower deck on this tractor has a cutting width of 50 inches. Inside the deck are 3 mower blades that work together to give a neat and even cut to practically any and every lawn. The deck can be lowered down to within 0.5 inches from the ground. It’s kept from actually cutting into the ground thanks to small plastic gauge wheels which force the deck to follow the contours of the ground as you travel over it.

When the mower deck cuts the grass, there are 3 different methods for dealing with the waste clippings. Some people like to just leave them right there on the lawn to rot. Unfortunately if you are cutting long grass, you can end up leaving piles of grass clippings to rot on the lawn which can end up leaving your lawn looking patchy and ugly. A good option here would be to use a mulching kit instead. This thoroughly chops up the grass so that it rots much faster without you needing to do a ton of extra work. The last option is to collect the clippings in a bagger attachment that is attached to the rear of the machine. This will leave your lawn looking far neater.

The mower deck and the wheels on the Husqvarna GTH2350 Crown are powered by a Kohler CV675 gasoline engine. This engine gives the GTH 2350 23hp. The engine has a total volume of 0.656 liters and is air cooled.

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